1980.01.15 – Company started to run a business under Zakłady Elektromechaniczne located in Swarzędz, 40 Z. Grudzińskiego Street
1980 – Production of electric motors for: INDUKTA S.A., CELMA S.A., ELEKTRIM WARSZAWA S.A.
1981 – Expansion of production by explosion-proof motors for Zabrzańskiej Fabryki Maszyn Górniczych „Powen”
1985 – Transformation from Zakładu Elektromechanicznego to ZEM Swarzędz Zakłady Elektromechaniczne
1985 – Beginning of production and export of electric motors for FFD – Frank & Dvorak Company Austria.
1990 – Building of new production hall and office space with address change for Company headquarters to Swarzędz, 72 Z. Grudzińskiego Street
1991 – Machine park modifications by purchase of shaft grinder and multi radial drilling machine
1992 - 1994 – Company expansion for next office and warehouse area
1995 – Commencement of first explosion-proof electric motors of our own construction with ATEX certificate for coal mine
2003 – Obtainment of ISO 9001 Certificate
2004 – Broadening of commercial activity by production and sale of elements of bridge dehydration system Höllko Niemcy
2006 – Purchase of first numeric lathe CNC
2007 – Purchase of next CNC lathe and dynamic balancing machine for shafts computer guided
2007 – Purchase of next CNC lathe and dynamic balancing machine for shafts computer guided
2007 – Beginning of production of stators and rotors for wind power station for Mikroma S.A.
2008 – Company expansion by next warehouse area and purchase of numerical CNC lathe with multi-implements heads
2009 – Beginning of production of electric motors stators for ABM Greiffenberger Niemcy
2009 – Obtainment of “Wielkopolska Jakość” Certificate
2010 – Production launch of electric motor, explosion-proof our own construction with ATEX Certificate design for sewage farm
2011 – Initiation of next electric motor, explosion-proof our own construction with ATEX Certificate design for coal mines
2011 – Machine park modifications by purchase of ultrasonic washer and CNC lathes with multi-implements heads
2012 – Purchase of numeric CNC miller with multi-implements head